Protective for glass

Protectosil® SC 200 Evonik »
A protective water / oil repellent for glass surfaces. It provides a high anti-adhesive and seal cleaning effect to the surfaces treated. The product is easy to apply and does not leave stains or iridescence to the treated surfaces.
Titania Vetro »
Aqueous dispersion of dioxide of nanometric titanium in a sol-gel phase suitable for hyper-hydrophilic self-cleaning treatment, photo catalytic of glass surfaces exposed to sunlight.
Glass Cleaner CE »
Aqueous dispersion of abrasive micro and nano particles and cerium oxide powder developed for the cleaning of glass or ceramic surfaces without causing abrasions or scratches.
Suitable for the preparation of glass surfaces before the application of Titania Vetro or Protectosil SC 200 Evonik.